First came daughter A, then daughter B, so naturally next is baby C!  This sweet girl came right when the holidays were in full swing and such a delight she is!  As a Vancouver newborn lifestyle photographer I adore capturing new arrivals in their home surrounded by family!  There is something special about those first days – the sights and sounds of a family discovering the newest member.  When you add in the magic of the holidays it truly makes for a wonderful blending of traditions old and new.  I was completely delighted when I saw the whole family was dressed in their Christmas jammies!

Vancouver newborn lifestyle photographer - family portrait with new baby

These sweet sisters all had their bows on and loved being cozied up with their mama!

Vancouver newborn lifestyle photographer - mom with her 3 little girls

When a daddy’s arms are filled with such sweetness how can he not have a heart full of joy and a smile to match?

Vancouver newborn lifestyle photographer - daddy with his 3 little girls

The awe and wonder of seeing the tiny fingers, bright eyes, and the amazing miracle of life you’ve created is a moment like no other.

Vancouver newborn lifestyle photographer - parents holding and smiling at newborn

Sisters have such a special bond and each relationship is beautiful in it’s own unique way.  Such a delight to watch baby C’s big sisters love on her!

Newborn Lifestyle Photographer in Vancouver WA - sisters smiling

Newborn Lifestyle Photographer in Vancouver WA - doting big sister meets baby sister

Whether it is your first or last baby, nothing beats the sweet smell of a newborn drifting off to sleep as you rock them.

Newborn Lifestyle Photographer in Vancouver WA - newborn falling sleep on mommy's shoulder

All cuddled up in the nursery to read the Christmas classic of nutcrackers, sugarplum fairies and mice!

Newborn Lifestyle Photographer in Vancouver WA - family reading nutcracker story

Stockings are hung with care, silly faces and laughter fill the house, and precious sweet baby sleeps through it all…

Newborn Lifestyle Photographer in Vancouver WA - family hanging Christmas stockings

Safe in daddy’s arms with sister holding her hand, Baby C opened her beautiful eyes for a peek!

Newborn Lifestyle Photographer in Vancouver WA - wide eyed newborn in dad's arms

Such a wonderful gift to receive in a beautiful season! Congratulations B family on your sweet bundle of joy!

Newborn Lifestyle Photographer in Vancouver WA - family portrait under the Christmas tree

To learn more about a newborn lifestyle photography session with Corina Shipp Photography and book your session click here!